
 Acupuncture is the act of penetrating thin, solid, filiform needles through the skin to stimulate specific points in the body in order to elicit a desired response and to trigger the body's own healing mechanisms to restore balance, energy (qi), promote relaxation, relieve pain, boost immune function & achieve overall wellness.  

 A favorite Chinese Proverb by Huang Di Nei Jing (Ancient Chinese Philosopher & Practitioner) states: "If there is free flow- there is no pain, if there is pain, there is lack of free flow."

 Some reported benefits to receiving Acupuncture include:  *Not a Complete List* Alleviates Pain (Acute or Chronic), Assists Immune Response, Alleviates discomfort from Chemical Therapy Exposure, Decrease Stress, Anxiety & Insomnia, Improve Sleep, Concentration & Energy, Improve Athletic Recovery & Circulation Issues, Improve GI Function, Regulate Hormones, Reproductive Support, Respiratory/Allergy Support

 Want to know if Acupuncture is right for you? Our VIBE Acupuncturist & Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine offers FREE Private 15 minute Consultations!

  • New Patient

    Session includes health consultation, diagnosis & Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment. Treatment includes acupuncture as well as guasha, cupping, tuina or moxibustion, if applicable. Treatment plan includes diet, lifestyle, herbal recommendations with continuum of sessions.

    Session administered by Amy R., Master/Doctorate of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Licensed Acupuncturist.

    90 min | $150

  • Returning Patient

    Continue on your healing path with regularly scheduled appointments and treatments. Sessions include continued health consultation, diagnosis, acupuncture treatment which may include guasha, cupping, tuina or moxa. Treatment plan includes diet, lifestyle and herbal recommendations.

    Session administered by Amy R., Master/Doctorate of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Licensed Acupuncturist.

    60 min | $100

  • Tune Up

    Walk-Ins Welcome!

    Welcome to your personalized Traditional Chinese Medicine tune up.

    This session includes the acupuncture your body needs for your top three health concerns. Diagnosis for treatment is established from your intake form, as well as assessment of your tongue & pulse.

    Session administered by Amy R., Master/Doctorate of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Licensed Acupuncturist.

    45 min | $75

  • Full-Body Gua-sha

    Gua-sha is the act of 'skin scraping' using a smooth stone or ceramic spoon with oil. Full-Body Gua-sha is to promote proper Lymphatic Flow & detoxification, as well as address poor circulation issues.

    *Disclosure: Due to the delicate nature of our Lymphatic & Circulatory systems, there should be very minimal 'bruising' or 'redness' following a Full-Body Treatment; however some bony areas may show slight redness or bruising that can last 3-5 days.

    90 min | $140

  • Focused Gua-sha

    Guasha is the act of 'skin scraping' using a smooth stone or ceramic spoon with oil. This ancient method of skin stimulation is used to release myofacial pain and boost the immune response.

    *Disclosure: After a session, Guasha can leave 'bruising' ("sha") on the top layer of the skin. The discoloration of skin can last from 5-10days.

    Administered by Amy R., Master/Doctorate of Traditional Chinese Medicine 'TCM' & Licensed Acupuncturist.

    30 min | $55

  • Fire Cupping

    A Chinese Wellness treatment utilizing glass Fire Cups is believed to help relieve tension & pain, as well as address acute illness. Cupping techniques include both stationary cupping & running cup treatments to treat myofacial pain and boost immune response.

    *Disclosure: After a session, skin will show circles (aka: "Sha"), similar to look of bruising, which will continue to show for 7-14 days.

    Fire cupping is administered by Amy R., Master/Doctorate of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Licensed Acupuncturist.

    30 min | $60

  • Moxibustion

    Moxibustion- (Chinese Mugwort) is a powerful herbal treatment used to relieve pain while warming areas of discomfort due to cold or wind imbalance. Moxibustion is often used to help restore Immune response, regulate digestive functions, and is often used on its own to help restore depleted "yang" disorders in order to restore proper energy body balance and Qi.

    *Disclosure: Moxibustion has a very strong smell- which is often attributed to smelling like Sage. Moxibustion smoke can often trigger histamine induced asthma or environmental allergies.

    Administered by Amy R., Master/Doctorate of Traditional Chinese Medicine 'TCM' & Licensed Acupuncturist.

    30 min | $55